Libra – Zodiac Signs – 46 pieces


Soul Puzzles Curiosi Zodiac 46 pieces

The Zodiac signs are an immediately identifiable symbol representing the vast study of astrology… We all take birth, and in doing so, create a space that is uniquely Self. Eastern & Western civilastions agree that we are all connected to all creation & each other and that we are equally influenced as a common consciousness by the planets that orbit the Sun in company with the earth. We celebrate both our unique charateristics and our common bonds with every sign of the Zodiac!

These simple images remind us to be our true selves while the challenging random cut reminds us that we are in fact complex beings. Be fascinating, be intriguing, be YOU!

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The Stella or Zodiac range celebrates birth & alignment to the heavens. A simple, uniform image with a random cut offers a quick destress.
This circular puzzle measures 13cm in diameter and is snugly packaged in a 5 x 7cm box.

A premium quality cardboard puzzle imported exclusively by Soul Puzzles.
Made in Germany.

Additional information

Weight .03 kg
Dimensions 7 × 5 × 3 mm